Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

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Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

Postby BoBd » Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:20 pm

Hello everyone! Bob the Bard here, leader of Band of Bards. I wanted to clear up this jungle of misconceptions about our musicians guild as well as clarify what happened with Valdrimari here.

FIRST: Our guild has no problem with macro players in the slightest, and I do not believe we have ever once used one of Vald's macros, nor did we rely on them in any sense of the word. We enjoy playing music with people whether it be a macro or not. On top of that macros are a very good teaching tool, and we have an amazing programmer working on making a converter so it is easy to view them in our format and therefore play them by hand.

SECOND: Vald is no longer associated in the guild, nor have they been for some time, due to the aggression they have publicly displayed and the drama they are attempting to create with our guild name. Band of Bards is a loving community with no hate nor ill will to anyone based upon playing skill, playing style, nor where they stand on macro use. We offer to teach anyone and everyone how to play by hand, sure, but we do not judge people for using their macros. I hope this clears things up.

TL;DR Vald has been removed from our guild and does not have our backing on ANY of their posts. Band of Bards remains neutral, if not welcoming of macro players, and does not condone aggression against this website or anyone else. It is against our guilds rules to bash on macro players, and is grounds for removal from our guild.

Yours truly,
Bob the Bard, Leader of the Band of Bards
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Re: Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

Postby XangLi » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:00 am

NOTE: Any attempt to alter your OP in a way so as to bring the argument in your favor, notably because you contradicted yourself in one crucial area, will be disputed with desktop video footage I have of your OP if need be made public. It would probably be in your best interest to delete this post you made before our Guild begins to look bad, granted you actually are the Leader of BoBd, and not an imposter.

As a fellow [BoBd] member (I choose to remain anonymous for reasons), you cannot be serious, Bob. There was a Guild meeting regarding Valdrimari's return to [BoBd], which in turn got voted down because of you, the Guild Leader, who was a big influence on the vote. Furthermore, there are [BoBd] members (myself included) who do stand by Val, and who did want Val back into the Guild.

Not only that, Val was kicked from [BoBd] because you (and a couple Officers) did not like Val's threat to disrupt/shut down gw2mb, and for no other reason. His threat was not against [BoBd] members at all. In fact, Val (in the video he provided) defended the members of [BoBd], and I will be sure to add this tidbit of info in my thread.

Furthermore, the only drama that really took place, unrelated to [BoBd], started here on gw2mb between Val, gw2mb user The Ben Efits, and the founder of gw2mb, proteininja. The only reason Val brought anything gw2mb-related into our Guild's Chat is because he was pissed off and venting out to us, and two days later explained he did not mean what he said after his threat against gw2mb.

How can you blame him? If the founder of gw2mb chose a person's behavior like The Ben Efits (who by the way, is a former [BoBd] member of ours by the in-game name Micky Mouse [with an accented e], who also got kicked from the Guild for a separate set of reasons some time ago) over you (if you were Val) who contributed over 200 pieces of music for the GW2 community, you would be ticked off, too.

Bob the Bard wrote,
"FIRST: Our guild has no problem with macro players in the slightest, and I do not believe we have ever once used one of Vald's macros, nor did we rely on them in any sense of the word. We enjoy playing music with people whether it be a macro or not. On top of that macros are a very good teaching tool, and we have an amazing programmer working on making a converter so it is easy to view them in our format and therefore play them by hand."

You just shot yourself in the foot... How can you consider yourself one of us in [BoBd] after saying that? You say our Guild is a lover of music, macroed, or not, and then turn around and say the syntax to create a macro (notably Val's syntax) is not being used for learning purposes. The above underlined within the above quoted from you is a huge contradiction, that and it is slightly hypocritical, because that programmer you speak of goes by the name Thrassak in-game (who is also a [BoBd] member and a [MGT] member), and so yes, Valdrimari's macros/syntax IS being used in [BoBd] in some way, shape, or form, as a learning tool! You said it yourself.

The only thing you were right about is when I mispoke about us [BoBd] being against macros in my announcement on the gw2mb Archives. I got [MGT] mixed up with us (I am a member of [MGT], too), and I will be changing my gw2mb announcement on the Archives to reflect what [BoBd] truly stands for regarding macros.

Anonymous member of [BoBd]
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Re: Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

Postby AmsyLedian » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:48 pm

After watching Val's video from the announcement on the gw2mb Archives, I just want to say that on [BoBd]'s part, kicking Val was a show of poorly used power, and on proteininja's part (founder of gw2mb), it was a very foolish move since the GW2 community will no longer be seeing published tabs from Val. You guys in [BoBd] should have at least talked Val down if he was that angry, and from what I gather from the above stated in the OP, that was not done at all! You just kicked the guy.
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Re: Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

Postby Brett Layne » Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:07 am

Like XangLi said, it is best you delete this thread (or edit it to reflect the truth on the matter) to prevent the Guild from looking more bad, and to prevent yourself from looking bad. All you are doing is disgracing the Guild by not standing by respected former member, Valdrimari, of our Guild who defended us in his arguments against The Ben Efits, who also goes by the name Mickey Mouse. Remember him? Yea, he got kicked from the Guild, and Val did not want him here in the gw2mb community.

It is one thing to clarify with everyone here in the gw2mb community that [BoBd] is not against players who run macros, yet it is completely something else entirely to throw Val under the bus as if his work has not been used in any way, shape, or form as a foundation, reference, or what have you by anybody. That is completely wrong! What an ignorant thing to say.
Brett Layne
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Re: Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

Postby BobtheBard » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:01 am

Bob here, so I wanted to clarify some things with you. We have perhaps used some of valds tabs for personal use, yet none of the head bards have used them for training once yet. The idea has been floating around for a while within our guild, yet we only recently have been talking about actually using them. If you read my post once more you will note I said, and I quote "On top of that macros are a very good teaching tool, and we have an amazing programmer working on making a converter so it is easy to view them in our format and therefore play them by hand." not inferring that I have at all used, nor have we used them yet. Another point I would like to point out is that vald is not the only person who tabs macros, therefore may or may not have used valds. I stand by that point as personally I have yet to use one of valds tabs for a teaching sessions, nor have I used any of their macros in general.

As for your part where you claim "The only reason Val brought anything gw2mb-related into our Guild's Chat is because he was pissed off and venting out to us, and two days later explained he did not mean what he said after his threat against gw2mb." This was taken from our source with a pm. That proves they were not just venting.

Now onto my next point where you say " If the founder of gw2mb chose a person's behavior like The Ben Efits (who by the way, is a former [BoBd] member of ours by the in-game name Micky Mouse [with an accented e], who also got kicked from the Guild for a separate set of reasons some time ago) over you " No, they were not kicked. They left the guild of their own choice. as proof by here

On the other point from another post by AmsyLedian, They were kicked due to multiple other reasons besides this, this was just icing ontop of the cake. I will not say what they did due to respect for them as a composer. But be aware this was their second warning and our guild has a very strict no drama policy.
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Re: Valdrimari is not a member of [BoBd]

Postby proteininja » Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:28 am

Bob, I've confirmed via my forum's user database that these three accounts, XangLi, Brett Layne, and AmsyLedian all have the same IP address. So either all of Valdrimari's "anonymous friends in BoBd" use the same computer and sound exactly like him ... or Valdrimari created these accounts to stir up drama and drive traffic to his YouTube video.

I tell you this so you don't waste time defending yourself or your guild against baseless attacks. Keep spreading music throughout Tyria!
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